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                Help Center

  • What is your return / refund policy?
    Due to the nature of the personal and hygienic products sold on, all sales made on are final. We do not accept returns or exchanges or issue refunds. The only time a refund is issued is if the item purchased is Out of Stock. Please see our Returns and Shipping Policy for more information.
  • What if an item is Out of Stock? makes every effort to guarantee that all the merchandise we feature is in stock. If an item goes out of stock after your order is submitted, then we will ship the in-stock items in your order and notify you via a phone call, text, and/or email, indicating which of your selected items are out of stock. We will refund the customer for the out-of-stock item, and we will not ship the item separately when it is back in stock.​ Please see our Returns and Shipping Policy for more information.
  • What are your store hours?
    As an online store, you can place your order on 24 hours / 7 Days a week.
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